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  • 大小:160.4M
  • 类别:角色扮演
  • 评级:
  • 版本:v1.0.9
  • 更新时间:2024-01-01 03:55:09
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梦境任务》(Dream Quest)是游戏商Peter M Whalen旗下的一款类Rogue纸牌手游,游戏的灵感来自“升天”,“魔术”:“聚会”,“Shandalar”)的漫画游戏。浏览随机生成的级别,作为短短30分钟的13个课程之一。一楼可能会在你的地下室找到你的巫师,另外一个是水下的战士,另外一个是你的刺客跟踪一个火山荒地。随着你的进步,你的角色获得成就,每一个使你的未来运行一点更容易或更有趣。

你的能力是你获得权力时开发的一张牌。例如,一个小偷从一张Slice卡和一个Backstab开始,但可以学习防守动作,如Dodge或强大的完成动作,如Coup de Grace。仔细选择哪些卡可以添加到你的甲板是游戏的核心:明智的选择会发现你通过怪物切片,而穷人会让你绊倒你自己的两只脚。

Play cards! Kill monsters! Level Up!

Dream Quest is a roguelike deckbuilding game inspired by the likes of Ascension, Magic: the Gathering, and Shandalar. Explore randomly generated levels as one of 13 classes in short, 30 minute, sessions. One floor might find your wizard in the crypt, another your warrior underwater, and a third, your assassin stalking a volcanic wasteland. As you progress, your characters earn achievements, each making your future runs a little easier or more interesting.

Combat is a card game. Your abilities are a deck of cards that you develop as you gain power. For example, a thief starts with a handful of Slice cards and a Backstab, but can learn defensive moves like Dodge or powerful finishing moves like Coup de Grace. Carefully choosing which cards to add to your deck is the heart of the game: wise choices will find you slicing through monsters while poor ones will leave you tripping over your own two feet.




•遇到他们时,超过70只怪兽精心编排在“妓 院”中

•无限可重播 - 轻松查看大部分内容的50小时

•无应用程序购买 - 游戏的价格是游戏的价格。一切只能通过玩打开。


•14 different classes, with wildly different play styles

•Over 300 cards, ranging from the defensive Kick and Armor to the devastating eteor and Curse of Doom

•More than 70 monsters carefully catalogued in the Bestiary as you encounter them

•Infinite replayability – easily 50 hours to see the majority of the content

•No In App Purchases – the price of the game is the price of the game. Everything is unlocked only by playing.

  • 语言
  • 开发商暂无
  • 平台安卓,3.0以上
  • 游戏分级年满18岁
  • 游戏版号1.0.9
  • 隐私政策查看
  • 添加时间2024-01-01
  • 游戏权限

    - 修改或删除存储卡中的内容

    - 读取存储卡中的内容

    - 拍摄照片和录制视频

卡牌游戏 卡牌 奇葩 策略 魔性手游
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